Beware of Dog Studios is the in-house mobile recording studio of Sweet Goodness Music. We've had several spaces over the years, and like to switch up where we record. This lets the space (which effects the SOUND of a song) be defined by a choice, and lets the unique qualities of the rooms that are worked in make an appearance in the recordings.
Managing Director Travis Lee Wiggins has amassed an interesting and indepth collection of musical instruments and recording gear, along with the knowledge of how to use them. Beware of Dog Studios is a one stop solution to recording needs from demoing to final masters. Travis's experience writing and recording gives him a unique perspective. He's here to help you get that magical take.
bewareofdog (at) sweetgoodnessmusic (dot) com
Location: Chicago, IL
Founded: 2005
Rates: per song/ per project, please email, we'll try to work something out
Managing Director: Travis Lee Wiggins
Artists: Maggie Kubley's No Gift No Surprise
Sweet Goodness Artists: Essex Chanel, Nervous Cloud, The Salts (The Summer Salts), Dolphins Swimming, The Personal FX, Fetla
Voice Over Talent: Linus Lee, Mary Jane Lee, Kraft Foods
Theatre: Strangeloop Theatre
We'd love to work with you! Whether it is a 6 piece band looking to record your live show, or a solo artist looking to record a demo track with full instrumentation, with Beware of Dog Studios you're going to get a great result. For rates please email mail (at) or find Travis through Facebook or on his website. If he likes what he hears he'd be willing to make a deal to help you record.